Principal's Update 15 March 2024
Posted 15th March 2024
Dear Families
Welcome to the update for Cycle 2, Week 11. Our video update this week includes an appearance from Ms Titorenko, who is discussing our progress review evening for Year 9 which is happening next Thursday. Our progress review evenings are a fantastic opportunity to check in with your child's teachers; I look forward to seeing many of you there.
This week at the academy the highlight was a Year 10 visit to Lloyds Bank as part of our careers programme. I know that this was a valuable experience for many of our students and we hope to increase opportunities for this partnership work in the coming years.
With our careers programme in mind, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that next week is careers week. Ms Smith has worked incredibly hard to secure a range of guest speakers and industry advocates to ensure that students have access to information that will be critical in informing their educational and employment next steps. There are a range of activities happening throughout the week and we look forward to updating you on those experiences. I would encourage you to join our Facebook page as this forum hosts our more frequent updates.
Next week we also have our recognition event. Early next week, students who are eligible to attend will be selecting their activity of choice and on Thursday we will be dropping down our timetable for students to engage in those activities. More students than ever before are eligible - this is a tangible artefact of the improvements that we continue to make at the academy.
Finally, an early reminder that Thursday 28 March is our last day of term. Students will finish at 12.20pm on this day so please make any amendments to travel arrangements as required. In next weeks update I will be sharing with you the outcome of our uniform and school day consultations - I am sure that many of you are excited by this!
As always, I hope that you have a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing you soon.
Mr A Jacobs