Dixons Unity Academy | Principal's Update 23 February 2024
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Dixons Unity Academy

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Principal's Update 23 February 2024

Posted 23rd February 2024

Dear families

Welcome back from the half-term break we have had an excellent first week back.


We have had some issues with the weekly attendance texts, this should be resolved from this week. The texts will show your child's attendance from the 30 January to date, this is in line with our attendance recognition scheme. We are in line to have the best attendance since the second week in September though we can still do better so please keep supporting us with driving attendance to school. Attendance to school has a huge impact on outcomes with over half a grade difference in every subject between students with above 90% attendance vs above 80% attendance.

Job Opportunities

We have a number of roles available at Dixons Unity and across our trust which can be found here: Welcome to Dixons Academies Careers (joindixonsat.com). If you are interested in any role please don't hesitate to get in touch and please share opportunities to anyone you think may be interested.

This Week

We have had lots of exciting sporting events and fixtures this week including two basketball tournaments, well done to all students who took part. I understand Emily was the 3-point queen during the fixture last night - well done! This week we have also had our Spanish speaking Mocks and have begun our Cycle 2 Assessments for Y7 and Y9, these will continue this week. If you need any support with information or revision materials then please get in touch with your child's year team or the relevant head of department.

Next Week

The Y11 Mocks begin. These mocks are very important as a final checkpoint for students and staff to help direct teaching and revision in the lead up to the real examinations. Students should be independently revising at home and have been provided with lots of materials - please reach out if you need any more. Please support us by ensuring your child is on time and ready to engage in the mock examinations.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing you soon.

Mr A Jacobs