Dixons Unity Academy | Principal's Update 3 May 2024
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Dixons Unity Academy

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Principal's Update 3 May 2024

Posted 3rd May 2024

Dear families

As we approach halfway through this term I would like to thank you for your support so far this half term. We have seen excellent improvements to attendance and correction attendance in particular - this would not happen without your support.

This Week

This week we have had a our Year 11s completing their Spanish speaking exams. I know that Mr Recalde has been very impressed with their hard work and they have set excellent standards ahead of their other examinations beginning next week. I am incredibly proud of the efforts of the Year 8 girls' rugby team this week competing in multiple tournaments, winning one and coming second in the other. They are the team to watch!

Next Week

Next week we begin our other external examinations for Year 11. It is incredibly important to ensure that your child is in school every single day as there are no resit opportunities. Please ensure that your child has had a good breakfast to help them prepare for a busy few weeks. On Tuesday we have our Year 6 welcome evening and we look forward to seeing our new cohort in person. Finally, on Wednesday, we have our prom hire shop which is open from 4.30pm. If you require a suit, or dress, for prom, then our free prom hire shop might be a great place to bag a bargain - feel free to pop along!

Other reminders

Finally, a couple of weeks ago I discussed with you some issues we are having with anti-social behaviour in the local area. These issues are particularly prelevant after school in local shops. We will be working with police to identify students who are causing issues for residents and working to ensure that it does not continue. It is imperative that students behave in a manner that meets our school and your own parental expectations both in and out of school. Please do re-discuss those expectations with your child.

As always I thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you soon.

Mr A Jacobs