Dixons Unity Academy | Principal's Update - 5 July 2024
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Dixons Unity Academy

Principal's Update - 5 July 2024

Posted 5th July 2024

Dear families

We have two weeks to go until our summer break. You may think by now we are winding down but absolutely not, we have had an action packed week and next week is just as busy with opportunities for our students.

This week on Monday, four of our students visited London to the Citizens UK conference where, amongst other things they heard from the deputy leader of the Labour party. On Tuesday half of Year 10 visited Bridlington for their geography fieldtrip, on Wednesday Year 11 returned to visit Flamingo Land as part of the attendance recognition strategy and on Wednesday and Thursday our new Year 7s visited us for their transition days. We were really impressed by their effort and demonstration of our values and we look forward to them joining us in September.

On top of all of those activities we were visited by Ofsted for a full re-inspection. I will share the outcome with you as soon as the final report comes through - it could take up to 30 working days - but we were pleased that they recognised a number of the improvements that we have made.

Next week on Tuesday we have our parent forum beginning at 5pm focussing on literacy and attitudes to learning as well as an open forum for feedback - it would be good to see as many families as possible in attendance. On Wednesday next week we also have our trust collaboration concert taking palce in Bradford and I am excited to go to watch some of our students perform. Finally, on Thursday, we have our end of term recognition evening taking place at the White Rose Banqueting Suite. It is set to be a brilliant occasion so if you are available - please try your very best to attend.

Early notice that the final day of term will be on Friday 19 July and students will finish at 12.20pm. You may need to arrange a change to transport hence my early notice.

Finally, I wanted to draw your attention to our uniform pop up shop which will be selling our new items of uniform on Monday 22 July from 9.30am till 3.30pm in the Unity Community. Please do pop in if you need to replace any items of uniform.

As always, have a great weekend and see you soon.

Mr A Jacobs