Unity Community Spring Social
Posted 15th March 2024
On Wednesday 20 March we will host the first annual Spring Social in our Dixons Unity Community. The event will take place from 5:00pm – 6:30pm. Entry is £1 per person to include a hotdog (vegetarian option available) and drink and bingo will be 50p per bingo card. All funds raised will be split between the Unity Community and to subsidise the upcoming Student Experience Day on Friday 5 July.
As well as the opportunity to get together as a community and meet new people, there will be an egg hunt, puzzles and bingo, as well as pay as you feel face painting. We would love to welcome as many of you as possible. We have some great prizes for bingo. To give us an indication for catering purposes, please can you register your intention to attend by Monday 18 March at 12:00 using the link here: https://forms.office.com/e/NNwgqAWrhf
If you will find it difficult to make the contributions suggested above, please do let us know – everyone is welcome in the Unity Community and we will support families to attend where we can.
Please note, if you and your children are planning to attend, arrangements must be made for all students between the end of the school day and 5:00pm. As I’m sure you will appreciate, there will be lots of preparation going on and we will not be able to supervise students.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss anything further, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Clynes (sclynes@dixonsua.com) or contact the academy on 0113 512 5530.